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June is Men's Health Awareness Month

  • Publish Date: Posted about 5 years ago
  • Author:by Leanne Howell

Men’s Health Awareness Month is held each June. The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of diseases among men and boys.

Men’s Health Week is celebrated globally during the awareness month of June and is the week leading up to and including Father’s Day (June 10-16 2019). 

Globally men have statistically poorer health outcomes than women, across various aspects such as:

  • cardiovascular health,

  • mental health,

  • suicide,

  • brain health,

  • diabetes,

  • lung disease, and even accidents to name but a few.

Many of these conditions are actually preventable if people make healthy lifestyle choices and are open about how they are feeling. Historically men frequent their doctor’s office less than women, even when factors such as visits for reasons of reproductive health are taken out. These visits are a chance for doctors to spot early warning signs of serious diseases and arrange for investigation of symptoms, as well as being an opportunity for them to deliver health promotion teaching about disease prevention.

Men’s Health Awareness Month gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. There will be many awareness activities happening in the US and globally throughout the month to help do this.

For all of our fantastic male nurses out there, we encourage you to get out and about, see the land you now call home, have fun, get active doing something you enjoy, engage with your family and friends regularly and in a meaningful way, incorporate plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet, do not smoke or drink to excess, and be open about your feelings with your colleagues at work, including us here at Conexus.

And lastly, if you do notice any changes in your health status – either physical or mental, make sure to get an appointment to see your doctor at the earliest opportunity. Early detection of illness and injury saves lives!

Further links to information about issues concerning men’s health are: