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International USA Graduates FAQs

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 6 years ago
  • Author:by Kate Andrews

The Conexus MedStaff compiled some of our most frequently asked questions from international USA graduates to help you on your journey from U.S. graduate to U.S. RN.

Which healthcare graduates do you help?

We help international US graduates who have graduted, or are graduating, with a degree in Nursing or Medical Technology. This could change in the future, so keep an eye on our Facebook page for new openings. 

What if I am graduting with an ADN? Will I need the BSN? 

At this time we are only able to help International USA Graduates that have graduated with a BSN. If you have an ADN and you want to know more about the next steps you would need to take, you can contact the Conexus team who will be happy to help.

Will I have to pay you a fee? 

No, our international healthcare graduate sponsorship program is free and we will never ask you for any fee. In fact, we will pay you a $1,000 USD bonus for choosing to join the Conexus MedStaff family, plus an additional $1,000 USD NCLEX-RN passer bonus if you apply to us already with your NCLEX-RN. Take a look at what other benefits we offer!

Do I need previous experience?

No, our International USA Graduate sponsorship is designed specifically with new graduates in mind. We will not require you to meet a minimum requirement for years' experience for you to join our program. We ensure that all of our international USA graduates take part in a 12 - 14 week orientation at their chosen hospital so that they are comfortable to hit the ground running when it comes to being on the ward floor. If you do have previous experience working as a healthcare professional in the USA or another country then this is a real bonus so make sure you let the team know.

Tell me more about the application process? 

We wil ask you to send your resume, and ask you to complete a short online appliction form. Once our recruitment team have reviewed your application they will be in touch to let you know the outcome and tell you about the next steps. If you meet our criteria, our recruitment team will set up a clincal interview. The clinical interview will take place via telephone and at the time that suits you. If you are successful, we will then set you up a call with our International Recruitment Manager, Cynthia, for a final interview. This call will give you the opportunity to ask any other questions you might have. From there we will offer you a formal contract. Once you have signed the contract our Immigration team and Operations team will be in touch with you to get you ready for your new job in the USA. 

Does it matter where I am from?

We will need you to have a "Current" priority date and this wil depend on your nationality. You can find out whether your priority date is current by looking at the Visa Bulletin which is updated by U.S Department of State - Buereau of Consular Affairs on a monthly basis. 

If you are an international USA Graduate from the Philippines, India or China we recommend that you get in touch with the Conexus team as soon as possible and we will be able to tell you what your next steps should be. 

What type of visa will I be sponsored on?

You will inititally work for us on your OPT. Once you are working with us we will then file for your EB-3 or EB-2 visa, better known as a Green Card/ Permanant Residency visa. You can find out more about the visa's we can sponsor you on in our Learning Hub.

What if I don't have OPT available? 

This will depend on what visa you are currently on. There are different pathways for each visa so it is best to speak to the Conexus team who will be able to advise you. What is very important is that you do not ever get out of status, not even for one day. If this happens, it can jeopardize the possibility to ever recieve a Green Card, permanant visa.

When will you apply for my EB-3 visa? And how long will the process take?

Once you have recieved 3 pay cheques, our Immigration team will apply for your EB-3 visa. The process of applying for your EB-3 visa is expected to take about 6 months. You will then recieve your permanant residency visa anywhere from 3-12 months after your application. You can see a full time line of the process in our International Graduate Guide. 

So, how quickly can I get to work after graduating?

This depends on whether or not you have the NCLEX-RN if you are a Registered Nurse or the ASCP if you are applying for Medical Technologist positions. If you have the correct licensure prior to completing your degree or applying with us, we can get you to work quickly! Basically the sooner you have your NCLEX-RN or ASCPi, then the faster we can get you to work. For information on registering for your NCLEX-RN take a look here.

In which U.S. state will I work?

Conexus Medstaff work with hundreds of hospitals throughout the USA... and counting! As our client needs change on a daily basis, the state where you will be working will depend on the needs at the time. However we will try our best to place you in one of your preferred states. Take a look at what makes us different and how we match you to your new workplace.

Will I be moved around hospitals? 

No, all of our healthcare professionals and international graduates will only ever be placed in one hospital for the duration of their 5,000 hour assignment. Not only does this suit our client hospitals, but we feel that this truly helps our international graduates their clinical experience and be the best you can be.

How much will I get paid?

This will depend on the location of the hospital you are placed and the prevailing wage in that area. The prevailing wage is set by the USA Government and is based on the cost of living in that county. The Prevailing wage ranges from between 20.00 USD - 35.00 USD/hour. You can find out more information of the United States Department of Labor website. 

When is the best time to apply for your international graduate sponsorship?

The best time to apply is in your senior year of college. Apply early enough so that we have time to talk through your questions, for you to interview with a hospital in one of our mamy locations, and to make sure that you take full advantage of your OPT. Conexus MedStaff is the leading employer of choice for international nursing students who study in the U.S. Apply with us today.