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International Day of Charity: Making a Difference in our Communities

  • Publish Date: Posted about 1 year ago
  • Author:by Conexus MedStaff

September 5 is International Day of Charity, a time to celebrate and recognize charitable initiatives from organizations and individuals across the globe. Created by the United Nations on the anniversary of Mother Teresa’s death in honor of her tireless charitable work and strong dedication to help overcome poverty and suffering, today serves as a reminder of the importance of civil service across communities.

Doing good is at the core of everything we do and believe at Conexus MedStaff. As a team that is passionate about the communities we serve, the international healthcare professionals we work with and the healthcare organizations we support, we are inspired and driven to make a difference. As part of Conexus MedStaff’s social corporate responsibility initiatives, we encourage and empower our team to volunteer in their local community with a cause special to them. Below are just a few stories from members of our team about how they choose to make a difference.

Andrew Moreton, CEO

Earlier this year, Andrew completed a physical challenge of climbing the three highest peaks in the British Isles – all in one day –in memory of his father and Conexus founder, Brian Moreton. Alongside the challenge, Andrew raised more than $3,000 for the Melanoma Fund to support awareness around skin cancer prevention. In achieving his goal and raising awareness and funds for a cause near to his heart, Andrew set an example for the rest of the Conexus team around the importance of giving back.  

Rebekah McCoy, Senior Engagement Manager

Rebekah volunteers regularly with YOKE Youth Ministries, but this summer she had the chance to work with teens and volunteer around low-income senior citizen housing to complete much-needed repairs on their homes. Read below for Rebekah’s insight into what giving back means to her. 

“I love teaching and giving. This volunteer activity allowed me the opportunity to teach kids how to paint, help with construction, and just talk with senior citizens. 

It has been written that the poor will always be among us, but in recent times, these disparities have grown by leaps and bounds. These acts of selflessness and generosity not only benefit the community but also the individual that volunteers. It is so important to continue to teach our children the importance of taking care of others in our community.”


Helen Pearson, Finance Director 

Helen recently completed a sponsored midnight walk (10km / 6.2 miles) around Manchester City Center in the UK as part of an organized fundraiser for St. Anne’s Hospice. A personal connection as her grandmother received fantastic end of life care from St. Anne’s in addition to the organization providing holistic support to her family during a difficult time. 

“At the beginning of 2023, a close friend was also supported in a similar way. My grandma passed away when I was little so being close to this more recent situation made me appreciate how much care, attention, empathy, and respect the staff at the hospital give to both patients and families in our local community. 

My parents are ongoing volunteers and I normally get asked to bake cakes and make donations. Another local children’s hospice is organizing a Santa walk in December, and I have plans to do that this year as well – while roping in a few Conexus friends to join!”

Tina Carter, Engagement Manager

This summer, Tina volunteered at New River Ranch Children’s Home in Fayette County, West Virginia, an organization that offers residential childcare and behavioral health services for children. They partnered with Church of God ministries to host an overnight summer camp for children of ages ranging from 5 to 18 years old where they were provided with a safe and clean environment that highlights socialization, wellness activities, mentoring, basic living skills, and faith practices. Many children were financially sponsored by the local and church communities to be able to attend camp that otherwise could not afford to experience it.

In her own words, Tina shared that she “wants to motivate and encourage children to break away from video games, and other technology, to gain socialization skills, form friendships, develop basic living skills, as well as witness great leadership skills while becoming empowered to be the best they can be.

While volunteering I was able to meet the volunteer nurses and they were so incredibly interested in the work that Conexus does. They are already eager for some of the children of Conexus healthcare professionals to attend next year!”


Learn more about the core values and mission that drives our team’s commitment to improving the well-being of communities here.