International Nurse Sponsorship: Abandoned by a USA Sponsor?

Immigration and U.S. sponsorship for international nurses can be challenging. Luckily, Conexus MedStaff is an expert in immigration and sponsorship for international nurses. There are several immigration options to consider if you’re an international nurse interested in working in the United States. The Conexus team is here to help international nurses whether you are taking…

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Diversity and Cultural Inclusion In Nursing

What a year 2020 has been so far, now halfway through it. Each of us is having to look at our inner selves closer than we ever have. And being less mobile is affording more time for this reflection. Australia forest fires, COVID-19, and now addressing something we had silently thought we had already addressed…

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COVID-19 Story: I am a Second Liner

This fight against COVID-19 hits closer to the heart for us as medical professionals. My friend in the Philippines has been in the hospital for 3 months now. He is an ICU nurse and followed all protocols to ensure his safety, including using PPE and frequent handwashing.  He got so sick that at one point,…

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Telemedicine in the fight against COVID-19

During these unprecedented times of the global COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare organizations are seeking increasingly more inventive ways of delivering healthcare whilst maintaining social distancing and adhering to strict infection control measures. Telehealth and telemedicine technologies are enabling patients to continue to receive high standards of quality care, while ensuring the safety of healthcare professionals, and…

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What is the COVID-19 Impact on the NCLEX-RN?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and measures imposed by governments around the world, NCLEX-RN testing has been interrupted with many centers temporarily closed. But we know how vital it is, now more than ever, to have frontline healthcare professionals available to care for patients. If you are looking for a center to take your NCLEX…

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