RN Recruiting: Filipino Nurses Need Right Partner

By Conexus MedStaff - Posted Oct 6, 2019

For many nurses working in the Philippines, the U.S. continues to present incredible job opportunities. In fact, Filipino nurses now account for over 4 percent of nurses practicing in the U.S., making them the largest group of internationally educated nurses in the country.

While a shortage of nurses in the U.S. means an abundance of opportunities, some unscrupulous operators are promising Filipino nurses a new life and career in the U.S. but are failing to deliver.

You may have read in the news this month about a case involving 200 nurses who were recruited in the Philippines and sent to work at nursing homes in New York. It was ruled that the nursing homes violated U.S. anti-trafficking law by failing to pay wages and even using threats of serious harm to the nurses.

Such a horrifying story can understandably affect confidence for nurses in the Philippines and raise questions about what you need to look for in a staffing partner. Here, the Conexus team provides key areas you need to pay attention to before you commit to a team that promises work in the U.S.

Are you being asked to pay money upfront? 

Warning bells should be ringing if a staffing agency asks you, as a nurse, for payment to secure an opportunity in the U.S. At Conexus, we never ask for a fee from our nurses. There’s absolutely no reason you should be paying an agency to find you a role, so be aware of those that ask for one.

Who are their clients? 

You have the right to ask for case studies and examples of an agency’s work. Find out the names of the healthcare facilities they work with in the U.S. and ask to be put in touch with other nurses they’ve successfully placed. Conexus ensures all of our nurses are comfortable at every stage of the journey. If you want to connect with other nurses to find out about their experience in the US and what it’s like to work with our team, we will put you in direct contact.

Do they offer support? 

This is crucial to ensure that you not only reach the US but also that you’ll be successful in your career once you get there. Conexus is made up of a team of dedicated Clinical Recruiters, Clinical Nurse Educators, Immigration Specialists, and Operation Experts who are dedicated to supporting your journey to the US and throughout your assignment. From day one, we’ll appoint you with a personal Case Manager to handle your application (with all processing costs covered, of course), and our team goes above and beyond to make you feel at home in your new community.

Can you meet the team? 

We can’t emphasize enough the importance of meeting the team that you’ll be working with. If you don’t have the opportunity to meet them, it suggests they don’t have sufficient resources to support you properly. Conexus regularly meets with our nurses, whether that’s in your home country before you embark on your journey, or at your new workplace throughout your assignment.