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International Nursing Interview Tips

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago
  • Author:by Kate Andrews

Interview Tips for International Nursing Students and International Nurses

Conexus MedStaff has put together the below tips to help international nurses and international nursing students communicate confidence, enthusiasm and intelligence during your telephone interview with a healthcare organization. This is your time to shine, so make the most of it!

Things to prepare before your U.S. nursing interview:

  • Know who you are and how you got where you are

    • Know your resume inside out

    • Be able to recount your big accomplishments

    • Understand your strengths and weaknesses

  • Know what you want to do next in your nursing career

    • Think about your goals and ambitions

  • Understand the role for which you are being interviewed

    • Be familiar with the job description so you can align your nursing skills and experience to the role

  • Learn about the organization

    • Read the organization's website and perform general online searches about the organization

    • Does it have a Mission Statement? What are the organization's values?

  • Prepare some answers to common nursing interview questions (we will look at this in more detail later)

  • Write down all of your ideas to the above points

    • Use what works best for you – paragraphs in full sentences, lists of key words, diagrams, etc.

  • Practice answering questions verbally

    • Role play with another person playing the interviewer

    • Practice speaking your answers out loud while alone

    • Think about the speed of your speech and your breathing

    • Try to limit unnecessary words or sounds such as “like” and “erm”

  • Practice smiling in a mirror while you answer your questions verbally – if you smile it shows through in your voice and you interviewer will hear it!!


Interview Day Preparation

  • Sit in a quiet room without distractions or interruptions

  • If possible, use a landline with a good connection or check your cell phone connection at your location before you get on the call

  • Have a glass of water nearby in case of a dry throat

  • Don’t forget your mirror

  • Have a copy of your resume near you during the interview

    • If your mind goes blank on dates then you can easily check


During the Interview

  • Speak clearly and breathe calmly

  • If you do not understand a question, kindly ask the interviewer to repeat the question

  • Use your mirror, and smile!

  • Project confidence in your voice

    • Speak with enthusiasm and energy to engage the interviewer

    • Be positive and avoid negativity

    • Answer questions succinctly and do not ramble

  • Focus fully on the question or conversation

    • Do not begin your response until the other person has finished or you may respond inappropriately

  • Sell yourself to the organization

    • Tell them why you would fit well with their values

    • Tell them what nursing skills and experience you have to fulfil the job description

    • Tell them your ambitions

  • Choose your words clearly and professionally

    • Do not use slang words

    • Try not to use filler words or sounds such as “like”, “erm”

    • Short silences are not always bad – it can show you are thinking about your answer

  • Give specific examples when asked about your experiences

    • This helps the interviewer gain a deeper understanding of your nursing skills and other abilities

  • When recounting experiences or accomplishments, never identify patients or family members by name or any other identifiable information

  • Never speak badly of a former employer or former colleagues

  • Ask the interviewer questions

    • You are also seeing if you want the job on offer and feel it will be a good fit for you

    • Never ask about salary or paid time off as this is something that should be discussed if you receive an offer of employment

  • End the interview in a positive manner

    • If you are interested in the nursing role, reiterate your interest and tell them why you think you would fit well within the organisation

    • Thank the interview for their time and interest in your application